Pay My Bill

Billed services must be paid within 30 days of receipt of the statement.
Please allow 2 – 3 business days for payment to be applied to your account.
Do you have question about your statements?
A Financial Service Representative is available to help answer your questions.
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Please call 608-768-6255.

Reedsburg Area Medical Center charges are the same for all patients, regardless of whether you have insurance or not. RAMC contracts with insurance carriers, but patients are responsible for all remaining account balances not paid by their insurance plans.
If you are insured by a government program such as Medicare or Medicaid, your self-pay responsibility is determined by the government program.
If you are insured by a commercial carrier, your self-pay responsibility will be determined by your carrier and based on the benefits of your plan. Please refer to the “Explanation of Benefits” summary you receive from your health plan to determine how benefits are paid and how your carrier determines self-pay responsibility. If you have questions about coverage or how your plan calculated your benefits you should check your health plan book or call the customer service phone number on your insurance card.