Patient Resources

A visit to your doctor or the hospital should be a manageable experience. At Reedsburg Area Medical Center, we think your mind should be at ease and focused on getting well during your time here.
This is why we provide you and your family with helpful resources to guide you through your care.
Here, you can access patient forms, view our complementary and community resources, and even provide feedback. If there is anything else you need as a patient of Reedsburg Area Medical Center, simply ask one of our dedicated staff members for assistance.
Privacy Policy
Release of Information
Reedsburg Area Medical Center is committed to protecting your privacy and confidentiality. Which is why we require patient or legal guardian authorization to release copies of your medical records. The Health Information Services Department maintains all RAMC patient healthcare records and reviews all requests for copies before processing.
Requested records are sent by mail and are not available by facsimile. The original records are kept at Reedsburg Area Medical Center. You may request copies of your records at any time.
How to obtain copies of medical records—In order to obtain copies of your medical records, you are required to fill out an “Authorization for Disclosure of Protected Health Information” form. You may request one by calling the Health Information Services Department at 608-524-6487, ext. 1800 or follow this link to access RAMC’s Authorization for Disclosure of Protected Health Information.
Click here to download and print RAMC’s Authorization for Disclosure of Protected Health Information form. Please fill it out and either mail, fax or upload it via the form below.
We have trained facilitators at RAMC to help you with any of the below items. Call us at 608-524-6487 and ask to schedule an appointment with an Advance Care Planning Facilitator.
What is an Advance Directive?
- Click here to view the difference between the legal part and the values part.
Advance Directive, including Power of Attorney for Health Care
Advance Care Planning
- Advance Care Planning Guide
- A process for you to understand possible future health choices. Click here.
- Guía para la planificación de su futuro cuidado médico
Healthcare Agent
- What is a healthcare agent, what they may need to do, etc. Click here.
- En Español: Agente Del Cuidado De La Salud
- What you should know about CPR for Advance Care Planning. Click here.
- En Español: RCP
Designed by health literacy experts, Ask Me 3 is intended to help patients become more active members of their care team, and provide a critical platform to improve communications between patients, families, and health professionals.
Click here to view the Ask Me Three form.
Reedsburg Area Medical Center is committed to sharing information about the quality and safety of the health care services that we deliver in our community. With the information provided below, you can see how RAMC provides recommended care for patients with certain conditions or the progress that we have made towards national patient safety goals.
CheckPoint – gives a snapshot of WI hospitals’ performance on important patient safety measures & key areas.
ServePoint – designed to familiarize the user with the services, programs and assistance that hospitals offer at or below cost.
PricePoint – allows healthcare consumers to receive basic, facility-specific information about healthcare services and charges.
If you would like to talk with someone about your experience, positive or negative, we encourage you to do the following:
- Ask to speak with the Director of the department.
- Ask to speak to the Director of Customer Experience.
- Share your comments on a patient satisfaction survey.
- Contact the Joint Commission — If you have a patient safety event or concern about a health care organization click this link: Report a Patient Safety Event
- Wisconsin Department of Safety: DSPS File A Complaint (
Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Division of Legal Services and Compliance
P.O. Box 7190
Madison, WI 53707-7190 - If you are a Medicare beneficiary you can contact Livanta LLC at 1-888-524-9900, TTU 1-888-985-8775 if you were not satisfied with the quality of the care you received.
You can also read about the recipients of our Going Beyond Awards. Just click here.
Additional Information:
Patient 101 – How to Find Reliable Health Information
Mobility limitations. Medications. Scheduling follow-up care. There are a lot of details to remember when you leave the hospital. But all most patients want to do is relax and recover in the comfort of their own homes.
That’s why Reedsburg Area Medical Center (RAMC) and the Reedsburg Area Ambulance Service are pleased to offer a Mobile Integrated Health program to help bridge the gap between hospital discharge and recovering at home, allowing patients to focus on healing.
Through the Mobile Integrated Health program, patients and their families receive the following support from paramedics:
- Medication review
- Assistance with making follow-up appointments with providers
- Health education on symptom awareness and how to best manage illnesses
- Home safety
What if I don’t have health insurance?
Payment is expected in full at the time of service or upon receipt of your bill, but you may be asked to bring payment with you at time of service based on an estimate of your bill. Medically necessary (non-elective) services will not be denied based on your ability to pay. If you do not have health insurance and worry that you may not be able to pay in full, we might be able to help. We offer financial aid programs to patients based on eligibility criteria, but not everyone qualifies. We may also be able to help you identify other available resources or work with you to arrange an acceptable payment plan.
It is important that you let us know if you will have difficulty paying your bill since federal law requires us to apply our billing and collections criteria consistently to all patients. To avoid legal action with unpaid bills, be sure to contact one of our patient billing representatives if you are experiencing financial difficulty. Unpaid bills may be referred to an outside collection service as a last resort, which could affect your credit status.
For more on our Financial Assistance Program, please click the links below:
Community Care and Financial Assistance Policy
Patient Financial and Billing Guidelines Policy
Registration – Final Clearance Guidelines
Politica de Atencion Y Asistencia Financiera de la Comunidad
Instrucciones Para El Formulario De Solicitud De Asistencia Financiera/De Caridad
A hospitalist is a medical provider responsible for patients from the time of their admittance to the hospital to the time of their release. They coordinate a patient’s care, working with nurses, physical therapists, social workers, and other staff to ensure the best possible care and the best possible communication.
The hospitalist also is responsible for clearly communicating with the patient and their family. When it’s time to leave the hospital, the hospitalist will coordinate discharge instructions and follow up actions, like physical therapy, home visits, or wound care.