
Child Passenger Safety

Child Passenger Safety

Did you know…

Every 33 seconds a child is involved in a car accident.

More than half of car seats are not used or installed correctly.

Kids in car seats decrease the risk of fatal injury by 54% for toddlers and 71% for infants.

We're here to help you with your car seat questions.​

child passenger safety Reedsburg Area Medical Center
  • Do you have questions about which car seat is right for your newborn baby? 
  • Do you need help getting your grandchild’s convertible seat installed correctly? 
  • Are you  wondering if your child is ready for a booster seat?

RAMC Birth Center is happy to help you with child passenger safety! Call to schedule your FREE appointment with one of our child passenger safety technicians at 1-608-768-6251. We will walk you through step-by-step how to properly select and install your child safety seat, leaving you feeling confident that you are providing the safest ride for your loved one.

Car Seat Recommendations for Children

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